i feel like im in total despair i love this girl ive kissed her we skype everyday when im not with her i feel like **** and my hocd now wants to tell me i dont love her because im gay which cant be true i loved kissing her i got aroused by doing it the thoughts just dont stop im a mess nothing is fun anymore other than being with her and then my brain wants to tell me im gay i just want to cry myself to sleep dream of her and then die right before the dream ends i cant deal with the pain anymore its been 9 months now
1 Heart
youre going to get through this. We're all going to get through this. Keep fighting. This literal hell does not deserve to get the best of us. We deserve to be happy, we deserve to have relationships just like before HOCD hit. You will get through this because you know it's HOCD and not you, as much as you think sometimes it is you. Just keep pushing through. Let the thoughts pass through your head try not to react to them I know it's hard I'm going through the same thing.