I feel like I've aged 20 years in the last 6 months!

I honestly feel so old, its sometimes hard for me to want to get out of bed in the morning, and when i do get up and clean around the house and try to stay busy i get migraines and i get chronic fatigue and just feel like sleeping, but i always fight it cuss if i sleep during the day then I have trouble sleeping at night.

I'm just so sick of not really living, i feel like I'm living the kind of life someone in there 8o's in a nursing home would live. I'm only 25, and I cant do the things i love doing because of fibromyalgia, and sometimes I don't feel like I'm the kind of wife my husband deserves, hes so great, he never complains about me not working, or if I have clearly been doing nothing all day when he gets home from work. I just want to be able to live up to my own standards so i can be proud of who I am.

Its safe to say that this week I have hit a low point. I'll never give up trying to get better but sometimes it feels good just to vent out my feelings. Thanks for listening :)


Hi Sarah, I am so sorry for how you are feeling. I thought that this site may be helpful to you as it provides various treatment options and tips;

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please know that we are here for you and here to support you through this.

Thank you, I found a lot of great ideas to try this week on that site :)

Hi, I am so sorry you are feeling down, but please believe me when I tell you I feel the same way. I have had Fibromyalgia since 1992 and became disabled with it in 1998. I feel I have wasted my the last few years of my life and trust me if you don't experience what we feel on a daily basis there is no real way someone can understand what we go through. I get a lot from family both his and mine that if I would just be more with people I would feel better. If I would only go back to work I would feel better. I can't guarantee if I can get out of bed in the morning let alone work. I have to have my husband help me bathe. That is horrifying! And I know he is my husband. I used to be a great wife, I worked 50+ weeks, kept the inside of the home, and had time for family and friends. Now everything is pushed to my husband who like yours is very supportive but there have been many times I have asked him if he thought it better he should leave, find a girl who could give him the life and child he deserves. There are many times I think he would be better off with the life insurance. But like you I may let it cross my mind but I will never act upon it. This unfortunately is our life.

If you ever really want to talk feel free to email me from this site. I hope at the very least I have shown you that you are not alone. That helped me a lot.


i am a mother of 3 and also do not work. i have fibro or atleast that is what they told me. and after looking up the symptoms and knowing what i have been feeling i belive they are right. i have an awlful time getting up in the morning and i have to push myself to do so. when i get up and clean i feel somewhat better but pay for it later. i will always push myself to do what i can cause i feel so guilty if i dont feel like doing something with my family, so for their sake i push myself no matter how i feel. i hate being like this and wish they could come up with something to truly help us. unlike you my husband does not help me. not saying he is not good. he has a job and without him working i don't know what we would do but as far as the house work or anything else i do it and i do it alone. i hate to sound like i am complaining because that is all it ever seems like i am doing but it gets real hard at times. just wish i could play with my kids and enjoy being with my husband. i am here for you and please know you are not alone. cherish those in your life that are there no matter what they are the ones that will help you get thru this.