I feel like taking pills because my father saud not to hang

i feel like taking pills because my father saud not to hang around oys and my exboyfriend left a message swearinfg at me and my mom heard i wasnt there and im afraid my dad might hit me or call me stupid

Realize that, even as awful as you're feeling now, those feelings will go away. It's going to be okay.

2 Hearts


Because nothing in life lasts forever. Death is the only thing that does.

my dad had called me a proustitute i took 3 pills of precription he told me im not i=his only kid and my mom told me he never wanted me so when everybody is sleeping im going to run away

@rahema Where are you going to go? You sound young, too young to be out on your own. There are other options. Talk to your counselor at school if you feel you’re not living in a healthy environment. All running away is going to accomplish is putting you and your future at a larger disadvantage.

well im not going to do it because my dad apologize and we had a talk and i did talk to my counselor

@rahema That’s good. It’s best not to make important life decisions when emotions are running high; usually that impairs our ability to make sound judgements.