I feel like there is a lot of disrespect going on in the rel

I feel like there is a lot of disrespect going on in the relationship I have with my boyfriend. I swear. He is a father to a beautiful two year old girl. I love her to death but her mother is horrible. She has called me out of my name to him and has threatened to torture and basically stalk me on my FB page. Really? How immature of you? I blocked her so she can't do anything. My bf has allowed this to happen and I don't feel like he is standing up for me like he should. Maybe there's loyalty there and I understand that. But respecting me as your significant other is important as well. That's the only way I feel this girl will ever accept me. He claims that he doesn't want it to be over and that he needs to acknowledge me. I'm overly stressed out, annoyed, and frustrated with this and a lot of other stuff that is going on with me. So, this morning, I decided not to talk to him. He blew my phone up so much. It was ridiculous. Clearly he was worried. When I am stressed out like this, I shut down and don't want to speak to anyone. I have talked to four of my friends about this and they all agree with me. My mom feels like I should start finding someone new because he has too much baggage. I don't want to feel like I am repeating the same cycle of relationships I was in before. That ain't gonna happen. I have no clue what is next.

1 Heart

Take it day by day. You can receive all the advice in the world from the people that know you best but no one will feel what you feel, nor understand it. You are ultimately the only person that can make the decision to either stay or leave your relationship. Keep in mind the things that you want from him as your partner, and your expectations within the relationship. Way the benefits of being with him as well as the negative aspects, which one is more? Be honest with yourself, and whatever decision you make prepare to deal with the overwhelming emotional roller coaster you'll experience. I will however share my opinion. You are young and beautiful and very aware of your situation, I believe you already know what's best for you but won't admit it. Follow your instincts!!!!

My best wishes,


1 Heart

You are most definitely right @PrincessJ. Right now, that's the only flaw I'm seeing with him. I just want to see it through first so I'm going to make the pros and cons list. Then, I will make my decision. I tend to put guys to the test to see what they feel for me is really how they feel. So, this was a test for me to evaluate the relationship we have. I have major insecurities in relationships. That's something that I need to work on.

Probably because I have grown daughters, but I agree with your mom. He has too much baggage. When you make your pros/cons list ask yourself do you really want to deal with the "baby's mama drama" she's going to bring for the next 16 years!?

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