I feel so alone most of the time, even thought there are so

i feel so alone most of the time, even thought there are so many people in my life who are a blessing. i still feel like im going through all of this on my own you know?

2 Hearts

Ur not alone I don't know u but will support u if u want

2 Hearts

I can understand that feeling, if you ever need a friend or some help not to self harm I am just a message away

1 Heart

i feel you on tht one hun. if you need to talk im here. iv gone through it all and still havnt finished my journey. if you want my facebook i can give it to you and u can catch me when im on there xx

1 Heart

Yea, I know. I feel that same way right now.

1 Heart

If you need someone to talk to....I'm here. Even if you only need someone to listen . pm me anytime....