I feel so bad that, I feel like I am a horrible person. And I feel like I am being selfish. I have this fear of replying to someones post on this site and saying something wrong or say something that might hurt someones feelings. I also just don't have the confidants in myself that I am a good supporter, the people that know me well always tell me I am a great supporter and just post and say something like I am here for you or I am sorry for what you are going through but I am still so scared, sometimes I can get my self to reply but I can't get my self to tap the post botton but I just feel so bad that it's keeping me from supporting people that need the support. I really want to be able to get past this fear and have the confidants in my self that I am a great supporter and I just really want to support people on here, it's just my fear and my lack of self confidants are getting in my ways and I just don't know what to do, I am just so frustrated with myself cuz of it. I wanted to put this post in all of my support groups!
Saying you are there for someone in reply to a post is always great to hear, just knowing someone has taken the time to read what you have to say and taken the time to say "I'm here for you" really can speak a thousand words!! Don't be too hard on yourself. If those who know you best think you're a great supporter, I believe them. Believe in yourself. Have faith. Know that you are a brilliant, loving, caring person. BELIEVE!! I believe in you xx
Princess, that LAST thing you are is a horrible person!!! I get afraid to post as well. Seems to go in spurts. I agree with lace that when someone knows you took the time to read and reply, then they know you believe in them and that can be very powerful.
I can see by your groups that you've been through alot and I am certain you are a very good supporter.
Princess, What you said to me in the private message really made my day! You took a chance. You didn't know how I'd respond. But you made me feel great! :) Just knowing you're there for another person helps people tremendously.
A lot of times to get confidence it involves taking a little risk. Trust me I think we've all been there & that's probably why we are here. Believe in yourself! Have faith in those who say you're a great supporter. And just jump in. We have faith in you <3
I have found that replying to posts that I relate to, to be very theraputic for me. Honestly, the fact that I can so closely relate to so many of you gives me strength to share my own experiences and feelings. So when I reply to posts, my support is mostly to let them know there is someone else out there who is going through a similar experience which, i believe, makes both of us feel a little less strange and alone.
i worry sometimes myself about supporting people on here because i am afraid of offending someone but i agree with everybody on here that if you take the time to reply then that means you care.
you have been doing great hun... you support others and I think do not realize how much even just acknowledging you read their post can mean. Haven't there been times you just wanted to know that someone has read your post and cared enough to let you know they read it even if they didn't have any suggestions/advise or other info to provide?
Just keep up what you are doing eventually the confidence will be there.
I used to be just like that. I was so paranoid that I'd spend hours going over a post, I'd print it out and re-word it and re-word it and then finally after about 3 hours of stressing myself out I wouldn't post it anyway. lol I think my fear came from growing up being told all the time I was useless, however, eventually after years of joining different web sites, I've just gone . . .What the! . . .*F. . .and I just post away now.
They either like what you wrote and take some of it on board or they discard the lot, it's up to them.
So remember, next time you want to post. . . Try not to over think it too much and just do it.
That sounds a lot like how I feel all of the time as well. Though it seems like you've already made a bit of a step in just admitting the way that you feel in a post. I'd say just keep posting things as you type them out the first time.
I give you my luck.
the more you do it the better you will feel. you are not alone so many of us feel the same as you. get it out. it eats away at your insides if you don't. internalizing has ruined my whole life. every story is worth telling. you have a friend...just reach out
Any words of encouragement = support. This whole site is a place for us to come and not be judged by anyone and let us show our true selves. We are all vulnerable and scared and are here to build confidence in ourselves and move past our negative body images. Just as you want to be a great supporter, we hope that we can do the same for you!
A lot of times I don't have the time or presence of mind to post. You are doing better than some in that you post at all. I can't tell you not to be afraid, but I can say that I'm proud of the fact that you posted.
yr not a horrible person for not replying.. at least your reading thema dn maybe relating to someone.. that might help.. thanks for joining and reading some post and i hope they help you...
Think of this support forum as your place to shine. Everyone here is here because we want to know that there are others like us, we want to hear what others have to say and maybe somewhere down the line, someone will say something that changes our lives. You might have just the advise and love and support I need, please don't keep it to yourself, I need to hear what you have to say...
You are not a horrible person. Just give yourself some credit that you are willing to give your opinion about someone else's problems. Just remember they don't have to use it. You are just trying to help people and with that you should be proud of yourself instead of thinking your a horrible person.