I found out I had herpes a few days ago. I have done my research and i read a ton of posts and stories about people coming to terms with it but I just cant. Its hard to stay positive when its my first flareup and im miserable. I'm in emotional and physical pain. When do I start accepting it? I feel worthless. I am 20 years old and all my hopes and dreams just went away when I heard those words. I am not worthy enough to be a teacher or have anyone love me. I don't deserve happiness.
Hey i am 20 as well and just figured out just like you. I did cry about it and think that my life is over, but my BFF got me to relax and when I did relax I tried to sit back and focus on all the good things I have going for myself. And at the end of the day we do not need a relationship to define who we are as a person. We need to figure out who we are and once we do people will be attracted to that beauty and want to be with you no matter what. So having herpes isn't the worst thing in the world, I know it may feel that way right now but things will start to get better.
Hi. I found out two months ago and I did the same thing, trying to look up as much information as I could. I fluctuate between being depressed and angry. It is hard to accept. I am a teacher too, so I understand what you mean. Sometimes in fauculty meetings I day dream about shouting out, how else has genital herpes? I try to find things that keep me positive but easier said than done. I started gardening the bright colors cheer me up, even if its just for a few seconds ill take it. Hang in there.
Me too. I have it and also 20 :)
Hiya, You'll go through these feelings, and it's okay, Your life is NOT over, and you DO deserve happiness just like very other human being who has feelings. Having this doesn't describe who you are as a person, because it's just another challenge to overcome. You want to teach, right? Would you teach a student to quit if one didn't understand something? No. This group is very supportive, and we are here to talk/inform. I've had this for over a year, and I'm still pursuing my college goals. There are couples in the world where one person hsa herpes and the other person doesnt. There are also couple that both have herpes, and they are happy together. Think happy thoughts, and focus on things other than this.
@ kendallps You will be amazed at how many people in the education and medical fields have this virus. I am not just saying that, it is true. As far as you not deserving happiness ??? REALLY ??? so you are saying none of us deserve to be happy ?It's just a virus vacationing in your nerves, no big deal. Yea so every once in a while it wants you to know its still there with an OB. That has nothing to do with how great of a teacher you will be.So get all that negative out of your mind and only look forward. Nothing behind you worth looking at, so don't bother with it.smile it does get better
Im 25 and got it from my high school sweetheart who I've been with for about 10 yrs!! I hate it!!
It was so hard to accept it ... But I grew strong , I know I wasn't a saint , but it made me a better person , and I see life in a different point of view now, now give yourself the royal treatment you deserve , no one can love you more than yourself , try lysine 500 mg 3 pills a day to keep the outbreaks away. Hang in there. I know it's hard ... Sending good vibes your way
Where can you buy lysine?
@Sillybilly lysine is a vitamin you can buy at Walmart or any store…