I guess no one goes on this group anymore.... I just started

I guess no one goes on this group anymore.... I just started taking gabapentin a few months ago. for nerve damage now I find out I have CRPS/2(Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). Have it in my right foot.

I don't have your health issues but I can relate to some of what you brought up in your background. I am sympathetic on how frustrating it must be to deal with health issues on top of all the trauma. If you would like to share your story with me I would be there to share mine with you and maybe together we can share the burden. Even if its just for a few minutes of conversation. Comforting thoughts coming your way!

@ladylaura_r Thank you so much for the comment. These past to years have been frustrating & confusing. But I finally know what’s wrong with my foot. now if only I could get my life back in order. Maybe some day. I would like to share my story with you. It’s not a pretty one. & to hear your story too. I hope you are doing ok today.