I had a dream about two other girls and I felt turned on. I never felt this turned on when I had dreams about guys. I woke up right when I felt turned on. I knew something was wrong and it was wrong but I didn't feel anything else. no anxiety no panic I just felt so wrong. THen I started to cry, but its almost like I forced myself to cry just no anxiety and I still feel nothing right now. What does this mean I just know it was wrong and it kinda freaked me out
Hey, 2 weeks ago all night i had a dream about boy that we kiss, and i really felt like u, i woke up with same feel like sick feel! without anxiety but this really suck feel, i really want jump from my house cuz of this fear, now, im gay? no, u know why, cuz this is not possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you dream this dream, cuz u all the time think about it!! you all the time think about it like i want kiss a girl? or not i want or not or something like this, when u dreamd im think u remind this and u dream u kiss a girl, this is make you lesbian or gay? no! i know what u feeling, like 2 weeks ago and still now i have a fear on my friend cuz i had 1 time i had a feeling on him and this how my HOCD started, all the time i sceard i want kiss him and i did feel this feel, i all the time sceard that if he will sit on me i my penis will..... sorry for words, after this day i dreamd a dream that he sit on me, and my penis.... and i really sceard on this dream and more, i woke up i remind this dream, that mean i gay?? no! cuz u cannot turend on like on few month, or 1 year i u was straight, u still straight this is not working like this like, i loved boys, and all my life i liked boys and attracted to boys, but now on this month i like girls and love girl, this is on 99% not possible!!!!!!!! u born straight, all ur child you was straight and now u still straight, when u will stop think about it and u will get this thought are nothing i promise u, u will be more relax, i just break 30% of my fear few days ago, and i feel better, but still those thought and fear dosen't want leave me.... but im more relax from ever.... when u will get that this thought are nothing u will feel better, try to talk with ur mother or something that u want to see a therapist, and we all have this fear that he\she will tell us that we gay and those thoght are true, but if u was gay, it was diffrent and i promise u this, hope i help :D
You did the only confusing thing is I was not in the dream it was two other girls and I just watched it really weird and second HOCD is always on my mind but its always in the back of mind. Wheni have nothing to think about that whnen I think about it. So why would it show up in a dream if its not so promonint
If it weren't prominent then you wouldn't obsess about it. We often dream about stuff that we obsess about, and also we often dream things that are meaningless. Not all dreams have secret freudian meanings. You were turned on in the dream because two women were having sex, and the brain reacts sexually to sexual content. But when you woke up you felt it was wrong. Trust your awakened self, not the dreams your obsessed mind makes upon your sleep.
@NicoGZ BUt I heard that gay people also have obsess. Because they dont want to be gays and they are obssessing about it and control it. What if we are like them
I can relate
I know it sucks