I had an AWFUL night. Contacted a guy on the internet near

I had an AWFUL night. Contacted a guy on the internet near me, for meeting at a restaurant. He sent me his pic first, thank God (sort of) - he not only sounded but looked very similar to the man who killed my son. I had to tell him no, and he wanted to know why, and I told him the truth. Poor guy went silent and hung up the phone. That made me feel bad. Then I was getting ready for bed and walked into my bedroom, to find a large spider running across the floor right at me! I screamed and ran for the spray, got it and sprayed the heck out of the thing (crying at this point) but it climbed up onto my bed and didn't die, so I ripped off the upper bedding, over the spider, and rolled the whole thing up and *****d it into a corner. The I proceeded to have a right ole panic attack. I was sitting in my livingroom crying, shaking and trying to breathe when Mom called. She knew immediately that I was panicking (thank GOD for her!) and did slow breathing with me and said calming things to me. Then she had me ***** the spider-bedding into another room and cose the door, then go get another blanket off the couch to sleep with, and spray all around my bed. Then we had to calm me down AGAIN. It took me until 2am to get calm enough to go back into the bedroom, spray in one hand, swatter in the other. I put these on the bed where I don't sleep. I left the lights on, and was able to sleep after opening my eyes some ten times to look around. This morning mom called to announce that someone was coming to spray my whole house for ALL bugs! YAY... I think. I'm nervous now that I will find dead ones. That's almost as bad... :'(

I am so sorry for such an upsetting night, but it sounds like your mother is a rock! You are very blessed to have someone like that in your life! Hugs!

1 Heart

Thank you, Karma. Immediately after the pest control guys left, I left as well, and went to my mom's house - running from the chemicals as well as critters running around my house trying not to die. I eried to contact my 20-yo daughter, 'Amy', to tell her the house had been sprayed (she is home from college right now). Didn't hear back from her until I had been at my mom's house for an hour, and the ungrateful child was ANGRY with ME for not telling her sooner or scheduling it for another day! I love her to pieces but this attitude of 'deserving' free room and board for 3 months is right ridiculous. I'm going to have to speak with her. GGGRRR!

I'm sorry to hear about this. I can't imagine all the grief and anxiety you still hold inside unfortunately.