I hate feeling so insecure about all my friendships :(
@acceptanceiskey whats going on?
@gudwomaninpain A few days ago some of my friends started making fun of me and telling me to stop trying to fit in. They said it as though they were joking but I’m not so sure. I’m getting out of a really bad relationship in which the boy depended completely on me to save him from self harm and depression, which put so much pressure on me. Now one of my best guy friends, who I stuck with during a lot of stuff he went through said he wanted to hang out but hasn’t called back all day when he said he would. I was really counting on him to be the one person I could talk to about all this.
@KGShiva Thanks for understanding. I’m the same way, I don’t really have many friends who are girls so that can be hard sometimes since guys don’t usually like to hear about all this relationship drama and stuff. The pressure my boyfriend is putting on me is pretty extreme, so I’m going to end it with him soon. I’m just waiting for the right time. I’m afraid of what he might do to himself but I also must accept that it is not my fault. I’m still working on that bit. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
@acceptanceiskey ohhhh honey I am so sorry it is so difficult especially when you're young girl with all the social dynamics trying to fit in and the youth does not even have a clue how a little comment could completely inpact an individual! How old are you? It sounds like yes your boyfriend definitely wants to be rescued from himself and you know that.. that is not possible he has to work on himself I too when I was 16 lived with a boyfriend who was an alcoholic and use to abuse me both mentally ... emotionally and physically...
he expected me to fix his whole life and make him feel good about himself and when I didn't boy oh boy ...
I'm surprised I lived through that experience anyways you cannot work so hard on a relationship that it drains you and robs you of all your energy and happiness..
plus the only person you can save is yourself ...!
I know it hurts when you think you have a friend you have been there for time and time again and they are not here for you ....when you really need them! I too have experienced so much pain from others who I thought where my friends and cared about me only to be disappointed! I've learned that I have to stand firm and myself and know that I am a good person and it's their loss if they lose me and my friendship...
as far as to friends that were joking around supposably when they said you try too hard to fit in did you have any sense of what they were talking about if truly joking or for real???
you obviously have a good heart and are sensitive and extremely bright 2 seek out these support boards for help and understanding...and of ccourse support. ..
does all the stress you're under make you feel like self harming? Please know I am here for youyou can always private message me and of course post I will get back to you as soon as possible! Please, please take care of yourself love yourself I know that you are a gift to this world! God bless and hugs and kisses
@gudwomaninpain sorry about all grammar mistakes on phone and hard to go correct plus some times does auto correct with out my knowledge and is so off lol