I have a boyfriend who my family approves of who I think I h

I have a boyfriend who my family approves of who I think I have feelings for. But I don't want to be with a guy right bow. Then I have a girlfriend who I'm head over heels for. But if my family found out they would kill me. I don't know what to do.

You need to live your life for yourself not for anyone else. Which choice will make you happier in the long run. On another note, do your boyfriend and girlfriend know about each other? Cos if not that's very unfair on them...

@Davii I broke up with my girlfriend today because it didn’t feel right to be datibg them both. My boyfriend is amazing and his been there through everything. Also I haven’t figured out which one makes me feel better.

Be your self an do Wats makes u happy

1 Heart

@zank I will.

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From Gender Identity Exploration to Sexual Orientation Exploration

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