I have a sex addiction

I am 33 married with a 4 year old son I love them very much my wife knows all about my addiction and has stuck around through the good and the bad I don't know how she has put up with it but she is a great woman I am addicted to porn wich will lead me to try and treat my wife like she is a porn actress I'm not very loving towards her any more and I want to fix that .the porn has also caused me to act out from it in forms of escorts and phone sex and chat lines I need help before its to late and I loose my family I jus want this addiction to stop

You should redirect that feeling towards something else. It will be hard at first but once you start to feel the urge to watch porn or make that call think about something that you could do instead. The visions of the acts are played over in your head and anything can trigger it. The thought of porn is with you and it will be tuff to shake. Try talking to someone,a professional would be good for you to express all the things you may not be able to other wise. The videos are just fantasay and half the people in them are in a different place mentally. Many times we mask sex for something deeper. Do you remember something that many have set you off? Try and put things in place and you will be fine.

I admire you for sharing your story for it says alot about your willingness to want to seek assistance/relief, have you ever sought counseling/therapy if affordable? Would be wise to do so as you mentioned you wouldnt want to loose everything. Let me put it in another way to you, YOU would not want to pass this on directly/indirectly to your son as children LEARN what they LIVE in....just something to think about. We're here to talk with if & when you feel like it.

All my strengths.


i give you credit for courage, i think your wife is a better woman than i am, i would have kicked you out, but i wish you luck and please seek help before you destroy what you have

It doesn't matter! Sex is a pleasureable, joyful, tender thing that can be done many times over. I suggest you get a prostitute over every now and again, to fulfill your desires. Then treat your wife with passionate and romantic sex. It doesn't all have to be rushed and hard and rough- and it doesn't have to be inserting your penis into her wet *****, it would be inserting your tongue or finger in there, just experiement with new sex positions and things, maybe bring a sex toy into your encounters. Whatever makes you feel happy and relaxed, masturbation is great too, just have sex with her alot- ALOT. let her nibble on your testes or something, try something new everytime- good luck! Jenny.

My husband has a sex addiction and it kills me. I know how you feel, he says when we roleplay and do fun things in bed it keeps his mind off of it. you don't need to do slutty role playing since you say treating her like a porn actress makes you feel like you are degrading her in some way. do other things like robber, pizza guy delivery guy, she is nurse you are sick patient ect. We role play every night. we have fun. don't continue to cheat. most men cheat on their wives with slutty girls cause they respect their wives to much to degrade them in bed. my husband is in therapy to get help. Go to church. their is only so much a woman can take before she will eventually walk away from a marriage, and i have given my husband on last chance. if you love her don't hurt her anymore. take all the temptations out of your home. I told my husband next time you go to pick up that phone to call a sex hotline think about what you will be losing just for that 15 minutes of pleasure. you will be losing me and your daughter. That he wont get to wake up and see her every day anymore.

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