I have been currently diagnosed with BPD. I have had it since I was very young so it's both a sad thing and explains many things throughout my life. Kind of a 'I wish I knew then what I know now.' Knowing now also brings much anxiety about whether I will ever have a normal, lasting relationship? I am recently divorced. I did the 'I hate you, please don't leave me' but he left, stating that we are incompatible. Am I compatible with anyone with this illness? I was diagnosed as a result of a suicide attempt and lasting suicidal thoughts due to him leaving me. What I fear the most is being alone and this illness is a self fulfilling prophecy. Can I ever be happy with someone for the rest of my life? How can I be compatible with anyone?
Welcome to the BPD group, stevie_k. I am the moderator of the BPD and Bipolar groups, and I'd like to say I am glad you found us! I think you will find lots of supportive and understanding people here. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to put it in a post or message me. Thanks..............Kisobel