I have COPD now for six years .
Lately I've been having a lot of mucus.
It falls out of my nose and comes up out of my throat at the worse time. Lately I've been waking up chocking on mucus that I inhale during my sleep. Does anyone know how to stop this?
The meds I've been prescribed don't seem to work.
And I refuse to be a pharmaceutical test dummy.
Please if you think you have a remedy let me know.
does anyone in the group have any ideas?
@norseduncan For me it was one of the inhalers that causes the allergic reaction . Sounds sorta like yours.
Take 600 mg of Mucenix x2 daily, drink lots of water and stop eating dairy products, take allergy med to control sinuses and by all means consult doc before anything else. Good luck with that
Boy..... where are all the posters? I used to be in the group fir about four years back around 2012...... we then decided to call ourselves Tge Coffee Table group and set up a special thread to go in to .. was nice cause we chatted back and forth through out the day....there must have been 7-12 gals ... a few ladies went to heaven and the others went to Facebook... so if you post here often... please post so I can get to know everyone ... and that includes those who pop in for that question?
Hi keyboardbj - new to this group. Just wondering if anyone else is living with COPD? I feel pretty isolated.
@cflatt I am new too. Just posted…I am a 67year old woman, diagnosed in 2004, at which time I stopped smoking after 36 years…I was using QVar and ProAir but they changed QVar which started irritating my GERD. So now I’m taking 5 or 10mg Prednisone daily but breathing is not easy, an irritation under my sternum makes me feel I cannot inhale enough…What is your age, situation??
Hi Radical2! Thanks for responding. I'm a 64 yr old woman diagnosed in 2002. Quit smoking 4 years ago. I'm just recently put on oxygen at FEV1 of 30%. Broke my heart but you gotta do what you gotta do to breathe. I hate taking Prednisone - it turns me into the HULK. Mean, green and angry. LOL I use Spriva and Advair. I think they are going to up my dosage of Advair. I'm divorced and live alone so this just further isolates me. I sure wish I would have never smoked but we didn't know back then and by the time we did, I was hooked. I crochet alot to pass time and go to bingo and never win! LOL I love to decorate (farmhouse) and antiques.
@cflatt I answered your post yesterday but do not see it here… I said it sounds like you are in pretty good spirits! Glad you have bingo and your other interests. Living on a farm with antiques sounds perfect, I always wanted to be a cowboy, live on a farm with lots of animals, I love antiques…but alas, I live in a studio in the city but fortunately, everything I need is nearby and the bus route is great! I live by myself with my cat, Quin. I have a friend who comes in from the suburbs and spends 2 wks of the month with me. I do not need O2 yet seemingly because of the length of time I can walk, but lately, I have to stop more often to catch my breath… I liked Spiriva but it gave me hives, Advair also gave me a negative reaction. I couldn’t continue smoking after being diagnosed because I could not breathe if I smoked…Does cold/hot weather bother your breathing? I cannot go out if the weather is cold or hot, I get claustrophobic if I put my scarf over my nose…so I am quite limited in when I can go out. Even smells like perfumed dryer sheets sends me in to a panic…I worked as a lab tech for 40 years, the mice we worked with finally affected my breathing and I took early retirement. In 2008, I had to be intubated b/c my lungs collapsed triggered by the mouse allergens,.I retired in 2014. Talk with you again soon, I hope. Take care!