I have managed not to text n husband for 3 days ( the same day he left) i also work for him (awkward). I am feeling like a want to message him. I really need to be stronger this is so difficult.
1 Heart
Don't do it! The longer you're away the easier it will get! Go do something good for yourself! No more abuse! Hang tough :-)
Debbie is right. It's almost like an addiction. You will go through withdrawals but it gets easier in time. It's just now starting to ease up on me a little more.
Thank you so much. Yes I had lots of gaslighting and one of my earlier counselling sessions was me saying I think I am crazy. Then I seen I definitely am not. Thank you so much for your comments xx
Thanks tabbylady, I can't do no contact properly as we have 4 Children together and I work for him.
Time for new resumes!
I know! I feel like a sitting target at the minute I am just waiting for his next move. x