I just don't feel well. I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm sick of bei

I just don't feel well. I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm sick of being sick. I'm just not happy.

2 Hearts

So sorry you don't feel well and you are in physical pain.

1 Heart

The physical pain of depression doesn't help with already existing pain. Remember I am here for you.

1 Heart

@PigfaceMcGee I meant use it and apply it in my life. It’s a good quote.

I feel that way a lot, just remember to keep pushing forward. We all deserve happiness. I struggle daily with my PTSD but luckily I've developed this mind set not to let it win & over come me. It seems to help.

1 Heart

@HotHead I try to have that mind set but it is very hard. You are a very strong person to have been able to accomplish that!

Are you not happy with your bf?

@ashabirdie If I wasn’t happy with my bf, I wouldn’t be with him. I am very happy with him, but when you are mentally ill, it doesn’t matter what makes you happy or not. It consumes you and makes you forget about what’s good right in front of you.

I have had depression since I was 10. I hit puberty around the same time as well. I stopped smiling, starting noticing how I was a joke and had no friends, and when I wanted to start killing myself. The depression soon lead into freak out sessions and it went undiagnosed until was 17. My headaches, feeling sick a lot, not wanting to move, fatigue, stomach pains, started to slow down a bit once I got help. I know when I am under a lot of stress and just depressed by these symptoms. You can'y always smile even if you force yourself, it can make you feel worse. You can wear a mask but it does not solve the problems underneath it all...

1 Heart

@Maivory I understand exactly what you mean. I would wear a “mask” almost all the time, because I didn’t want to put others down with my negativity. Bottling it all up inside only made me more sick.