I keep getting so close to letting go of my wife's affair bu

I keep getting so close to letting go of my wife's affair but it seems when the pain is just about to leave I grab back onto it. I know I want to forgive and be happy, she is doing everything she can possibly to to help but I am still having trouble letting go once and for all.

Anger and pain can become a comfortable security blanket, letting it go once and for all may make it seem like the affair never happened and you don't want to let that go, it hurt you, your wife hurt you! However you are trying to make this work and letting go exposes the hurt and that is sometimes scarier than the anger, it makes you vulnerable and that is scary. Let it go, perhaps do a symbolic gesture and get a helium balloon and write what you are feeling on it and release it. Reveal what you are feeling to her, you can't move on until you do.


@mountainclimber I can relate to your situation. My wife made a horrible decision that has devastated our family. I have taken a higher road and like you have been working towards reconciliation. I /we are doing all the right things yet I still struggle with the fact she actually did it. In a random (or maybe not) event I started reading the book of John. There is a passage were a woman who committed adultery was going to be stoned. And as a everyone knows Jesus said he who is without sin should cast the first stone. I really started to reflect on that. On the many the many mistakes I had made. And know I am starting to really get it. It is was a mistake (a really Big one). But when I read her the passage and Jesus forgave her it soothed my wife's soul.

@Socrates1122 that is one of my favourites…they do a good Job of portraying in the movie Son of God too. We are doing the right thing…my family doesn’t think so but I know so. Figured out today a big frustration was that she hasn’t really give any reason why she did what she did and I should get something or else we will never know why. I hope this will help me to let her just figure things out and just sit back forgive and give her time and space that she needs to think things through a bit.

From Romantic Relationships to Cheating & Infidelity