Me in my wife had met in Stockton,CA in Target i remember the first time i laid my eyes on her she was the most beautiful creature that i ever seen in my life. We had a awesome bond with on another. We use to talk in resolve our problems together as a team and also as a couple. In the year of 2010 me and my wife had got in numerous of fights because of trust in communication issues. I truly did not no why my wife was feeling this way about me doing this time. My agenda everyday was Work, go to school in take care of my stepson. I truly did not want to anybody else but her. Then one day out the blue my girlfriend doing the time had got a unexpected call from her baby daddy not to mention that this guy was never there to support her neither he did not care for him at all. His name is Malachi King, i took my wings in supported him like he was my own child doing the times of him growing up to be a toddler. So i truly love the boy like he was mines. One day me in my wife had got in a physical fight the situation was all bad we was fighting over he say she say stuff then also she had a issue with me being on Facebook. After that fight she move to stay with her moms for a little as she say come to find out all of this time she was staying with her baby daddy. She lie to me also she made a fool of me. So doing this time when we was separated which was my girlfriend doing the time. i was talking to lady friend of minds which i was messing with doing the time. we had a lot of fun but one day me in my lady friend got intimate with one another we had sexual intercourses with one another. one day i was texting my lady friend to bring me a black and mild i make a mistake in text the wrong to her then i hell broke lose. we was bumping heads a couple of times after that. One day me in my girlfriend sit down in talk about our issues in we forgive one another. Me in my wife got married on 10/09/2010 then we got separated again 0n 11/05/2011. the reason we got separated again was the same issue with the trust in communication issue that was going on. You guys i think about my wife everyday me in her been thru a lot of trails in obstacles together as a couple me personally i no that i made some bad choices in my past with her. But you guys i am so confuse i do not no what to do we have been separated for 6 months now i truly miss my wife what should i do. I truly do not no if my wife stills love me or care about me at all. we had numerous of physical fights in also trust issue i am very open to talk about the situation to the public i just want to stop hurting in feeling sad in lonely in try to resolve all my issues in the past with my wife now. i truly need a miracle. My whole life has change without my wife. I TRULY WANT IN NEED MY WIFE WITHOUT MY WIFE MY LIFE IS NOT COMPLETE we are separated but she file divorce papers but i deny it. she got a restraining order on me so i can not talk of call her or send her emails so my communication with her. is down. i do not no what to do. All i had was my was Which she was my true friend at first. Please you guys i need some serious help what to do. I want to do the right thing as a man in also resolve all my problems with my wife. how should i try to get in contact with her i truly feel that her love for me is fading away. I need help please
purnell407, i'm terribly sorry for your pain and thank you for sharing your story with us. from your post if seems that before the divorce/restraining order you had some serious issues. it also appears that the only way to contact her would be thru her attorney. i can suggest during this time that along with being with an online support group that you also could seek out some counseling for yourself. there are also links here that you may be intersested in posting on that would be family, relationship, grief, loniliness to name of few of the options we have on the site. you could there fore get more input from a varioety of different people.
Sometimes talking to another guy about this topic is hard. I should know, I'm a guy and I'm going through a seperation. First and foremost you have to talk to others about this it will help you heal.
One thing that you have to do is comply with the law. If you violate that then you'll end up in a worse situation. I know you want to make contact but if you're not allowed to then I wouldn't.
You mentioned that you need a miracle. The last time I checked God was still in the miracle business. Call a local church and see if you can talk to the pastor about your situation. You'll find out that they can be very helpful.
If you're grieving and crying that's alright. Believe it or not men do cry when their feelings are hurt and that's ok. The pain will subside but it will take time. Stay in this forum and talk with others we'll help you out. Let me know if I can help.