Hey. I need someone i know i can always ask advice of.
Im in Eating Disorder Annon. Im a male.
Hi Blue Castle
You have come to the right place for support. How are you doing?
Lace xx
well blue castle you know im always here for you if you want
Ty guys. i have been unable to find a male sponsor and face to face meetings are scarce near me. So, ill reach out to you.
I need help with my self image. How can i best correct my self image defects and stop eating improperly?
What should i do when i get stressed out, instead of starve or binge?
How can i best manage my stress instead of take it out on my eating habits?
How do i see myself worthy of love after being raped nearly every day sometimes multiple times a day?
How do i prevent being raped?
How do i best approach a real sex life so that i don't get disappointed or unfulfilled?
How do i heal my scars? I dont wanna have these chips on my shoulder anymore.
How do i fight for myself and never give up on my self worth?
How do i realize that i can care , instead of believe that nobody loves me?
How do i break my conditioning to stop believing my rapists are good people and I am worthless enough to deserve being raped? (I dont like feeling submissive, it aggravates me)
thats pretty much it. as you can see , i am pretty backed up so thank you for what you can offer.
ps: i know there's hope but i need to hear that from someone else, as well as i need ideas on how to handle these things. ty
good people like you make me wanna be safe happy and healthy so thank you. peace
my website keeps crashing. ill add you as soon as i can.