I need advice!

i am in a psycward, and im leaving on Friday, im in there 4 bulimia, how am i supposed 2 keep myself from throwing up when no 1 is watching???????????

you need to get help--professional treatment for your ED. i dont know---if you are in a psych ward---hmm sometimes they are not good at all for EDs. they can sometime be of no help at all.

you need someone who cares, and is willing to help you--someone who knows of EDs and is trained in the field. you need support--a support group, help for your struggles....

take care


you definitely still need some outpatient care or even inpatient as they have obviously not taught you any coping strategies or generally how to deal with and recover from your ED.
was this your first therapy?
could they (psych ward) give you any contacts for specialists or any groups?

if not contact your family doctor straight away, you should not be sent into the blue like this!!!

keep us updated!!


in this psycward they do deal with EDs, but they kind of gave up on me, so they r not even helping me with how 2 cope when im outside, and my parents dont really know what 2 do with me either, so i feel im in it on my own, but thanks 4 the advice!!!!!!!!!!

i hate it when hey make you feel as if your're a hopeless case. YOU ARE NOT, you obviously need and want help.

habe you ever contacted OA or EDA? they might be able to point you in the right direction or even have groups where you are.
what does your doctor say?
you're not alone, honey, you'll always have everyone on here, just keep posting and keep pushing for more help. i know it's hard when you're already down but persistence will pay off, a lot of people on here will tell you the same.

thank u sooooooo much, i dont like my family doc, so i dont talk 2 him, but hopfully ill find a program that is secial 4 people with EDs when i leave!