*takes deep breath* wow, where do I start....
The person who I trusted the most in my life cheated on me. She was my first love and I honestly thought she was gonna be my last. We've been together since we were 16 years old and we've been through alot but we managed to stay together (i like to think) because of the love we had for each other. We basically grew up together, we are now 25 years old.
We've always had our ups and downs but we always managed to work through those. This january, however, after one of our fights, she left and days after she left I called her because I wanted to work things out. at this point she said she wanted nothing to do with me, that she was done, that she didn't love me anymore. I was in shock, I couldn't believe that years of sharing a life together could end just like that. not only that but I honestly thought that whatever the fight was about was dumb and I never thought that would be the end of our relationship. Like I said I was in shock.
I basically begged her come back because I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I begged her and she decided to come back, to give me a chance. Once she came back though she came back with a really nasty attitude. She started treating me bad... she would say things like, "if someone doesn't wanna be with the other person, they shoudln't be forced to." She started rejecting everything in our life. Like she would say how tired she was of my family and my friends. We hardly spoke anymore. We slept in the same bed but she wouldn't cuddle me anymore. She was in her own world during the day and when it was time to sleep she would come to bed and just fall asleep, sometimes without even talking to me. For my birthday she didn't come with me to celebrate. The whole time I was in extreme pain and had anxiety attacks wondering when she would tell me she was leaving for good.
When she first came back I had asked what had changed, she had no answer for me. she just said she didnt love me anymore but she didnt say why. I asked her if there was someone else and she said no. January, February, and March were pretty much a nightmare but in April after being in so much pain I finally broke down and told her that I was tired of her making such painful comments, she said she was gonna leave once the semester was over (by the summer) I told her that that was fine but that I just couldnt take her comments anymore, that if she was going to stay that I was just going to ask her to stop the comments. When we talked that time she finally broke down and said that she was recentful towards my family because we never (for different reasons) celebrated her bday. We cried and after she wanted us to go to a fair, so we went. I was still really confussed because I didnt know if that meant we were working things or that she was still leaving in the summer. Her bday come around and unfortunately our family and friends were busy the weekend of her bday, but I had made it my mission to make this one bday very special so she would knwo how special she was to me.
I planned a surprise bday party and got all our friends and family to help me. I wanted her to feel loved. I was extremely busy planning the party and the day before her bday party when I came home she went off on me bc I didnt make it home when i told her i would be home. The way she behaved that night left me feeling that there was something really wrong going on. I didnt know what it was but I just had a gut feelign. That night after she went to sleep I just couldnt fight the urge and went searching through her email and facebook and other accoutns. To my surprise she had been having an affair with someone online since jan. Everything made sense then, all her behavior finally made sense.
when I confronted her she showed no emotion, no remorse, while I was falling apart. I didn't know what to do, my whole family and friends were waiting for us to get to the party. I didnt know what to do so I basically told her that we were going to her surprise party and that afterwards she could leave. the party was a nightmare but in a way I enjoyed making her feel guilty. Everyone was saying how sweet I was for planning her a surprise party and how I took the time with details that I knew she would love. She felt really guilty then. She was really sad the whole time while I was really mad. On our way home after the party I broke down again. just crying. when we got home I just told her that we should go to sleep that she could leave the next day. I wanted time to think and see if I could forgive what she had done. The next day I woke up to dig for more stuff on the affair. I wanted to know if I could forgive her. Reading emails and chats they've had was more than enough torture. In the end she broke down and told me she felt like i didnt apreciate her, that I never made her feels special, that this person she chated with was there just to catch her when she was falling. To be fair we were both freaking depressed and stressed about school and our career choices and we were basically going through a quoater life crisis. She was just the weak one who ended up cheating. She said that that person told her all the things she wanted to hear but that those things only meant alot coming from me but i never said those thigns to her.
I told her that I still believed in her and that we could fix things. In the end she decided to walk and here I am now...
still confussed as hell....
a week after she left I called her and basically told her that I still wanted to work things out with her but that maybe we needed sometime a part to figure things out. I suggested a three month break. I promised that I would change to be the romantic person I knew I could be and she promised something too. so we kinda agreed on that.
since the day she left I havent been able to sleep well. Ive lost a lot of weight. Ive lost the will to thrive. I'm just like a zombie most days. I miss her. I miss her terribly. I have many regrests. I know she was the one who cheated but I know that I caused my share of pain too. We continue to talk on the phone on a weekly basis but I'm the one who always calls. I know shes happy to hear from me because she doesnt wanna hang up. Were usually on the phone for hours. last time we talked we talked for 4 hours because she didnt wanna hang up. I havent seen her since sheleft though, I think it would be too much for me right now. She's leaving next week to visit her family in another state and she wont be back until the end of august. But I guess we kinda agree that we are gonna try again? I'm not even sure. I just go by her mix messages.
I'm just so confussed and dont know what the hell im doing.
I go from thinking we can work it out to I dont think I can live with what she did to me. I love her, I have no doubt about that. We've been through so much that I feel like giving up now would be stupid. I've realized many things that I did now that shes gone and sometimes I cry out of regret and sometimes I cry out of feeling hurt. I just wanna be happy. I want this feelign of emptiness to go away.
Any advice?