I need help stopping shoptlifting and steaing from people

I need help stopping shoptlifting and steaing from people.
Please help me i have a 1yr old son i really want too set better examples for him but its hard

Hi. I think it's wonderful that you want to be a good mother to your 1 year old son and want to set a good example for him. You've already taken the first, biggest, most difficult step; and that is that you have admitted to yourself that you have a problem with stopping shoplifting and stealing. That's a huge step forward. Many people have all sort of habits and they lie to themselves and say it's not a problem. So the next question is, do you know why you do it? Do you do it when you're under stress? Do you do it because you don't have enough money to buy things? Or what? Also, there are good websites. Google "shoplifting" or "kleptomania" and watching youtubes about it or reading may give you some insights into it, and how to stop. Best of luck!

@L2015 thank you i do do it sometimes when im understeer but mainly bcuz i dont always have enough money. Aand thank you for the tips.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)