I need opinions, because I feel like I’m going insane

So, I’ve been in a “relationship” for 5 1/2 years (we briefly broke up a year and some change ago and he insisted on staying together). I’ve lost an insane amount of money in the relationship by simply taking care of us (mortgage, babysitter, groceries, etc). He has nothing or noone but me, pretty much. I want to move on and recently told him I’m not in love with him and I’d like to separate and both of us find happiness elsewhere. He just continues to act like the conversation never happened and still walks over and hugs me/calls me babe etc. I know if and when I ask him to move out it’s going to be an absolute nightmare and I will probably have to result to taking legal action. What on earth do I do?

Thanks for sharing . sorry I can’t help.

Ok, you have your whole life ahead of you. Only you can make it what you want.
There are laws in some states that define a domestic partnership. If you don’t end it and get that freeloader out, you may end up splitting assets!
If he has been in the home for more than 30 days, you may have to go the legal route for eviction. Start the process and look forward.
That life will be YOURS!
Also, don’t allow him to call you “babe” and hug you. Train him, like a child, that he will respect your person.