I need support for getting through the legalities of a DUI

I got a DUI 10 days ago. I am grateful because it finally made it impossible for me to hide my abusive drinking from my family and friends. Now I must deal with the consequences.

I have started with an addiction center and will be attending my first therapy group this week. I am also taking Campral (acamprosate). to reduce the craving for alcohol. I hope that this will help convince the court that I am dealing with my addiction.

Is there anyone here who would be willing to discuss the best way for me to proceed? If you have been down this road or know someone who has, what did you do that was successful? What would you do differently if you had it to do over?

hi hun, my dui was back in 1985 and the laws were very lax back then so things were quite different. i did nothing but get the lawyer and the court sent me to alcohol class and that was it. but i would suggest that more than do what your doing for "looks" do for yourself hun. aa would be a good thing to add to your list as for me that what was changed my life....just fyi dui did'nt not stop me from drinking....i just did'nt drink and drive....for a time....other circustances got me to my bottom and in 1988 was my third goround with aa and it changed everything so give it shot you may be one that it stick the first time around. good luck hun with the courts....

I got my DUI in 1992 not sure what state ur in but I was required to attend mandatory alcohol counseling classes they helped but at the time I was 18 and saw it as a punishment lots of fines and suspended license but use it as a springboard to propel u into sobriety talk to someone either here or AA a friend anyone that will listen. Do not feel sorry for yourself but use it as a tool to make u stronger. For me just getting a chance to sit here and type makes me feel better about myself I don't have alot of people I can talk to but it feels good to know there r people like me out there that understand the problems we face. If u feel alone ur not get online or join a group everyone is willing to help. I don't know if this helps or I'm just rambling. But the first steps r the hardest keep going and walk tall. Take care.

Thanks Tired and Wiffy! I have good support and will keep walking through this!

your welcome hun, wish i could have been of more help. do stick with the group as you’ll get lots of help here. we’ll be chatting at you in the near future i’m sure.