ive never been on this before and i decided to give it a go. i want to know im not the only 19yr old girl who feels fat and ugly and dirty and everything in between. im so tired of putting on ffakes smiles because i dont want to explain or hurt the only people i have left around me. i want to make everyone happy. it was so much easier to do when i was a litttle younger. and now im struggling to hide the fact that im never gonna b ok
Glad to have you here! That's a start. I'm a mom of a 22 year old girl, 19 year old son. I've been there to witness the things they have went through with "acceptance". Your a very beautiful young lady, by your pic. Being accepted in this world is hard for us all, sometimes. Don't feel alone with this. We all struggle with something. I attracted a skin infection on my forearms that left me scarred really bad. Some considered me contagious and infected, wouldn't even come around me at work. It stressed me some bad, which made the problem worse.
Try to stay with the people that feed you positive vibes and ego, and listen to them. Feed off of them and use them to help yourself be the person they see. You are who you are and image is NOT everything in this world. You just think it is. Don't make it, make it about All of you!
thank you very much for even taking the time to read this lol.
i wasn’t sure if this website would really help me at all. But i was proved wrong. thanks again.
Hey Sami,
Welcome to Support groups :) This site has helped me so much! I didn't think it would be of much help but it truly helps me and so many others on here.
I too am a 19 year old girl who has massive self esteem issues so I completely 100 percent relate to how you feel. If you ever want to talk you can message me :)
thinking of you,
thx allee. im glad people like you are here
As you are on here longer, you learn there are so many people on here that care and understand :) Its nice to not feel alone