This is my first post. I really need to talk to someone. I have no-one I can talk to at home. I don't want to share my feeling because I get critized or get told how I am all doing it wrong, and I just want an objectional point of view.
I am the sole money earner in my family. I have two young children and my husband is starting a new career.
I feel like I am responsible for everything and he does nothing, but I am expected to do everything - household stuff, meals, look after my youngest full time, get my oldest ready for the day, for school.
My husband only focuses on what he wants to focus on, never looks up to help. I am fully supportive of his new career, he's had a very hard life and a hard time getting what he wants and now he's finally happy doing something - until something in his day doesn't go right, then he just yells at us all and tells us how unhappy he is. Then the next day everythings back to normal.
I am completely disorganised as a mom, I feel like I never have enough time to get organised. My 5 year hold is a handful, she always has been, but now I try to have fun with her and it just ends up in fights. Something always happens that I get so mad at her. She never listens, she's always rude to me. When she doesn't get what she wants she call me names or hits. But this is my fault I guess. I started smacking her as discipline and it got out of control. I don't like hitting her, but sometimes I get so mad!
I guess my real issue is that I do get mad, I get mad becuase I have worked for so long, I never really get an opportunity to spend quality time with anyone. I have to ignore my kids if I want to get work done (when I say ignore, I mean not playing with them, I don't mean leaving them alone playing with knives or anything). When I ignore them they get loud, when they get loud my husband gets annoyed and thinks I can't control them, then I get mad because I wish I didn't have to work. So when I stop to spend time with them, he gets annoyed because he thinks I am screwing around and not working. But when I work too much, he gets annoyed at that. I work an hourly rate from home, which is why my time = money.
I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I can't do anything right. I am depressed. I feel trapped.
Am I just complaining? Should I just shut-up and deal with it? Or am I expected to do too much and working full-time, being a full-time mom and home-keeper is just unrealistic.
I'd like to hear from anyone else who has a similar situation and how they deal with it.
Thanks for your ears....