I really want to share my issue with those who will understaI really want to share my issue with those who will

I really want to share my issue with those who will understand. Any advice will be a blessing. I have been dealing with bipolar and many other disorders my whole life but was medically confirmed in the late 90's. I have taken every medication ever invented for all my disorders and they either don't work or cause severe side effects with permanent conditions. The only option left for me is electroconvulsive therapy which I refuse to do. The disorders I have will come and go, sometimes longer and more severe than other times. Right now my biggest problem is agoraphobia and anxiety that can result in seizures. My husband is a wonderful support for me and I couldn't get through this without him. Thank God for him. What I really need is advice on how I can get other family members to understand and support me. I know they love me but because they don't understand how my problems affect me, they get frustrated with me and think I am complaining or just making excuses to get out of doing something for them. If I have a good week where I have less problems, to them it means I am all well forever. Then I will slip back in that dark place again so the family believe it's all made up. The way they think of me actually sends me deeper in to that dark place and longer to pull myself out. I've asked them to read on the subject but they just aren't convinced this is real for me so they won't take time to learn about it. I realize it's hard to take me seriously when I tell them I'm afraid to walk to the mailbox because I worry I may fall and someone driving by may see me and a huge deal will be made with police and an ambulance getting called. I would be so embarrassed. Sounds silly to most, but it's my reality. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on my situation. Thanks everyone. Ann

Welcome to SG. Sorry to hear that you're struggling so much. There are als groups on this site for bipolar and varius other things, perhaps check them out on the 'All groups' page to help you find more people who share similar issues and experiences. We're here for you mate

1 Heart

@Davii A sigh of relief washes over me from your simple reply. Thank you so much!

@TennisPlayer Thanks to you as well. How simple support can be. So glad I found this group!

@TennisPlayer Taking care of little ones can be quite a job. Thanks for taking the time to check in. Looking forward to sharing with everyone.