I shouldn't have left my house today I already can't take it

I shouldn't have left my house today I already can't take it and I've been at school for 20 minutes. Every day is like this I want to curl up and die.

hey talk to me whats going on?

@ldalj138 I can’t move without feeling judged I’m not smart enough and I can never get through a day without feeling like this.

Leaving the house when you feel that way only shows how strong of a person you are.

1 Heart

heck yeh!!!!! you can do this. people ARE mean and they just don't care but guess what karma is the big word and all you can do is try and no that you are a great person. Have you ever watched THE MIDDLE? Its a sitcom. Axl is a popular senior. His sister, sue, is a girl w braces and never makes it on sports teams. Brick is the little brother who whispers to himself. Anyways Sue has this wonderful spirit about her. Watch an episode! Just know that this is an age thing. I never would want to repeat my teen years. It is the hardest time in your life. Don't let it shape or define who u are and who you will become.

@ldalj138 I was just watching that last night…