I think i've reached my all time low

I think im going to tell my mom about my OCD. Right now, i feel like im at my all time low. Im scared out my mind as i type this. I feel like throwing up and i dont want to eat and im too scared to sleep. I just dont know what else to do. I feel like if i do some sort of therapy then i might seem like im crazy to other people. I wish i had never seen the trailer to that movie The Last Exorcist. Its crazy that a movie trailer could cause all this trouble. It really shows how crazy this OCD is. It was a lot easier when i only had thoughts about hurting other people. Sounds crazy but its true. And being in a house in the middle of nowhere (Besides the neighbors) isnt helping my situation at all right now either. Drinking usually helps but this time, im to nauseous and there are no pain pills around to help. I know im choosing a dangerous way to cope with the thoughts but im still worried that if i tell my mom and another family member, they might think im crazy. I need help as to what to tell my family.

I think that you will feel much better if you tell your family- I can really relate to feeling worried that other people will think I'm crazy but OCD is a disease and there is nothing to be ashamed about. I also used to abuse alcohol and drugs in order to make the OCD go away but ultimately it made everything much worse. Hang in there!

Thanks for the advice. Im thinking about telling my mom tomorrow. Still thinking as to how i will tell her. Hopefully all goes well.


Can you visit a reliable site and print out some information about OCD for your mom. Maybe the OCD Foundation? You can receive therapy confidentially. Nobody has to know. There are many many people out there who have OCD and other anxiety disorders. Having OCD does not mean that you are crazy. You have an anxiety disorder and getting the appropriate help is your best option. I hope you find the courage to do this. I know how difficult it is. You are not alone.