Have a horrible day today. Cannot get out of bed. Why did I wake up??
Hi Jeanna! Gosh I am really so sorry about how bad today is. If it makes you feel any better, I too, am in bed and probably for the entire day. Fortunately I have tables I pull over my bed and I work on jewelry, pay bills, etc from my bed. Today I may just hang out on the boards for a while because I am really far behind here.
I am really so very sorry for how you are feeling today... :( I hope it gets better as the day progresses. Just try to rest and get some more sleep because your body evidently needs you to rest.
Know that I'm with you, a sister in taking it easy today!! Are you in pain? I dont know much about PCOS so I am not familiar with it's symptoms.
Sending hugs, Suzee
Hi Suzee
Sorry you are having a bed day too. I try and make things while in bed as well. Doesn't always work that way though.
My fibro and arthritis are the worst today. I feel nauseated and thinking I have some vertigo starting. I get bouts with dizziness.
I don't know how this appeared in just the PCOS board. I still haven't figured this site out fully. I thought I posted it in all of them. I wonder how you do that then?
I dunno, this is s good site but sort of hard to figure out little things like that. But of course I never read any instructions! lazy I suppose.
Thanks for being there
hope you are feeling better soon as well.
God be with you and bless you
it is amazing how all of us are going through the same thing. i woke up today thinking the same thing. why did i wake up. sometimes i want to take painkillers n just sleep. sometimes i think on dying but then i just wouldnt do that. i couldnt. but i just want to be free. i dream sometimes n i am healthy and walking and full of life, and then i wake up sad. it is like my life is the nightmare i cant wake up from.
i had the same as you, the vertigo n dizziness with the fibro and it is awful cuz ill drop things or not judge how far one thing is to another. the vertigo is super scary i hate that. oh n the sensitivity to light is a horror cuz i go blinded by light. n life is ummmmmm full of light. it is crazy. my limbs are so weak n so am i.
im so sorry u and i have to go through this. it truly isnt right.