I truly believe weed saved my life - multiple times. It's th

I truly believe weed saved my life - multiple times. It's the best antidepressant I've ever been on (& barely any side effects!).

My therapist once said maybe have a glass of wine to relieve stress...i think smkoing some grass does the same thing wine does so why the hell not? Just dont overdo it or the negative effects will outweigh the good. Just like wine. 1-2 glasses ok. 1-2 bottles - not good.

1 Heart

Hey there. This is a tough area. On one hand, sure, Marijuana has little downside, used properly, by adults. It serms to have a variety of medical benefits. And as it becomes more legal, it seems natural to separate it from just about all the other, more dangerous drugs. At the same time, especially from the standpoint of support groups..... yeah, Marijuana can cause some trouble. And I'm a user for 30+ years now.....

For the developing brain, it may cause some problems. It can lead to laziness, malaise, lack of motivation. It can be mildly addictive in the sense that repeated pounding of your brain with any drug will cause your brain chemistry to change.......there can be some depression, and a bit of social detachment. Anyway, hey, I dig it, but I've also come to see that it's not all fun and games all the time. It can cause a little trouble. I'm certainly glad that jail is less and less often one of those troubles.

I think this is such a messy topic and there is such a stigma in society. Anyways, for me it's more then that. Unfortunately this stigma caused me to addidionally suffer for years and feel like I was tortured in the medical system. If I wasn't so closed minded, it would have been something I tried sooner. Although Im still in pain...I feel like my life has been saved and I'm finally able to cope and manage pain better then before. To me there is no debate, life before was not living.

Yes, and for those of us who grew up during the Reagan years, how we were treated, and shoved into jails.....of course, the explosion of crack didn't help things. And the 60s generation had it worse. 50+ years ago you could do real time for a joint. So when I see a 19 year old flaunt it or call cops pigs or whatever......they don't know how many people had to suffer....how many black people are doing hard time for what is now considered an "entrepreneurial Marijuana business". We still have mistakes we need to undo.

At the same time, we have to tell our kids hey, please don't think it's all so great. It can dull your brain, and hold you back at a time in your life when you want to absorb life fully.

My son goes to the same high school I went to. Even though in many ways pot helped me chill out in school......I tell him, eh, I also gave something up. I didn't fully participate, I wasn't full present, and so there's some regret there.

You know what's right for you. Certainly from a medical standpoint......it can be very helpful. I truly think that the areas of PTSD with aggression, Marijuana might be a big help for some. We just need to be careful.

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