I used to think that low panic days were just good luck. And that was fine back when I started thinking it because, at the time, it was true. I didn't have a real plan for defeating my agoraphobia and I wasn't improving. In fact I was getting worse. But now I can't think that way. My parents pointed out to me that my low panic days now are because of all the work I've done trying to recover. At first I brushed that off, but coming back from the store today, I realized that they're right. When I really compare back then to now, after working on my recovery for 6 months. I have way more low panic days than I used to and the level of panic I have at the store is usually far more mild. So I think that now my low and no panic days now come from hard work and perseverance.
1 Heart
I so agree, well done!
1 Heart
@CKarma Ironically I’ve had a very high anxiety day since posting this.