so, im going to start off by saying that i love Japan. i love Japanese music so much and im trying to teach myself the language. well, a lot of the songs are really emotional songs and it so sweet to the ear and so catchy that its in your head the rest of the day and the next and next. anyways, i have been taking my iron pills for my "underlying case" of anemia, and it gives me so much energy ad i love it, and i was hoping that i would end up tiring myself out during the day and at night being able to actually really get a goods night rest. well that didnt happen. the first night i took my iron pill, i stared at the cieling of my bedroom all night just day dreaming and fantasizing about what life would really be like if i met my favorite band and if i looked the way i want to(i mean skinny) and they asked me to go with them back to japan and stuff like that lol. it sounds ridiculous and like i have no life. i really do, i have a boyfriend and a very busy/hectic life, and its great to escape everynow and again sure, but all i wanna do is day dream and continue with my fanasy about this band and everything. its a little crazy, but i dont want to stop thinking about it. im nuts and its affecting my daily life. im not alone in this right?
Hi, your story really touched me, lol, sry, but so much of it mirrors my life. lol, except the boyfriend thing.
First off, take the iron pill in the morning with breakfast (you wanna be thin? EAT BREAKFAST!!!) Secondly, your sure not alone. Before I stumbled on this site I was doing a regular freak out. Third, you can lose weight. It takes time to come to terms with it (and to give up the excuses that have become so everyday) but if you want we can be weight loss buds and work together through this. : ) Although I am on a diet now emotional support is very much needed for the entire process if your serious about weight loss. I've already lost 50lbs and my goal is 140lbs. lol.
Oh I almost forgot a few other reasons why I related to your story. I actually know Japanese. It's my minor and I finished all my cl***es for that... so I guess that means I'm fluent...ish. I mean to go there when I get out of college.
I know what you mean about daydreams, really I do. But you know if you take them too seriously your going to miss out on reality. Currently reality seems like a bummer cause I can't just ...(Be a superhero kicking some serious *** *my favorite daydream*) I don't know. I haven't been able to kick the whole fantasy thing yet either, but I guess little by little maybe it needs to become less important.
Oh also, you seem kinda like a younger me reaching out for help (which I should have done way sooner) (and If your older than me, sry.) I know that this was erratic... sorry for that.
It’s really creepy how similar my case is (except the actually knowing Japanese) I took a year of it but i am nowhere near fluent although i want to be and want to visit japan one day. Anyway, the whole daydreaming thing may or may not be more serious or at least a longer coping mechanism for me than you. I’ve daydreamed about the life i’d wanted to have whether it was being a performer (dancer, actor or singer) since i was about 13 (i’m 28 now) pretty much almost daily for at least an hour a day.
I am aware that it’s a way I’ve dealt with being overweight and not having the life i’ve wanted due being coddled & my parents being overprotective of me & not letting me have the social life people should have normally. I still live with them and while I now have more control over that aspect of my life…I still spent a lot of time daydreaming of a life in where I basically grew up healthier & as a performer.
I’ve just recently have come to terms with the fact that i’m 28…live with my parents…have only a handful of friends …have never had a boyfriend…and suffer from a mild case of social anxiety.
If you have any tips or suggestions what could help me out with overcoming any of this…I would much appreciate it.
i love that you have dreams and goals to go with them
michaelangelo sat before a slab of marble everyday for months just looking at it is the statue of david
japanese is an excellent choice as a second(+) language as so much business is done with them, good job skill
in time you can change your appearance, but remember we are all always changing