I Want to Quit

I really want to quit smoking. I've been a smoked for I'd say 4 years now. Started just when I went out but eventually turned into an everyday thing. I have been doing really well...got down to a pack every 2 weeks, going days without a cig. Then my bf broke up with me after someone got in the middle of the relationship and I'm pack to a pack every 2 days!!!! I'm not proud of myself. any tips for quitting especially in a stressful situation.

Smoking sux, Draws you in then steals your life,I smoke and take the nicoret gum many years. Cold turkey, Just decide to do it and end it. It is a weakness and anaddiction so be careful not to pick up other habits and if your like me and have more then one work on it all. You have nothing to lose but an extra bad habit. Good Luck.

I can only suggest going cold turkey. It took me a few times but I eventually succeeded.

Just remember that part of the addiction is mental and the other is physical.

When you quit you need to be prepared to occupy your hands when that urge strikes. Some people sit on their hands, others pick up food, etc ... This is a form of behavioral modification, which really works.

Now, when you start to crave the cigarette after 2 days or so it is just a mental craving. Try to think of other things that make you happy, do something like take a walk, etc ... You just want to put your mind onto something else.

I will suggest staying away from areas where you smoked if you can. Some times being in a location where you always light up will trigger you.

Good Luck! You can do it. :)

I have quit a few times before myself. Each time I did it cold turkey. I am wanting to quit again. I hate it. I also used quitnet.com . Check that out when you have a chance. When you do quit, take it a day at a time breaking that down into minutes and seconds. I chewed gum when I wanted a cigarette and also had things planned to do to help when a craving hit. Keep us posted on how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

How i did it was through phases.but the phases wouldnt work if i am not willing commit myself to smoking. It would be very very easy to fall back. I find my biggest drive or reason for stopping. I said i wanted to love myself more and one of the way is to stop smoking.

I used to smoke up to a pack a day, usually on hyperly sad or stressful day. on average, a pack of 20s can maybe last 2 days.

I started committing to 5 sticks perday. then 3 sticks perday. then 1 poerday.
I put a support structure to ensure that i hold my commitment.
My support structure is i fine myself $10 per stick i take extra perday.
and the money goes to charity at the end of the process.
but when putting the money in is not focusing on the charity but focusing on taking responsibility for committing to my targets.
and besides that i declare my goal of quitting by a certain date and i have all my friends whom i declared my commitments to kick my *** every time i smoke when i am with them. that helps me too. :)

took me about 2 months i am off.

as far as i understand about quitting smokes is that it is different for each individual. maybe you wanna find out why you started at a emotional level and then set a structure to support you.

and thank you for asking for help. it is often the 1st step.

happy experimenting.

Hi I quit for 16 months and started back so gonna start a new quit date on: 1/1/11 i am getting ready and mentally preparing my self. could use some support and new fiends just joined this site.hopeits active??

You might be interested in following a gallery of creative anti-smoking campaigns - http://www.facebook.com/SmokinAds There are many fans who already quited who can be of help.