I want to tell my husband to look up and start understanding ptsd, and tell him I am seeking help. However, I just cant seem to. He is loving and supportive. I just feel like its always something with me. although the something is ptsd I have not wrapped it in a pretty little package like this. He knows my history, knows my anxiety, but never with this label. I dont even like saying it. I dont like admitting I am still dealing with something from almost 20 years ago.
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tell him. it will just not help u but him too in the long run. love yourself and forgive yourself too. telling him will make your relationship stronger.
2 Hearts
I have made my partner read stuff about my codependency. It took a while for him to co-operate and pay attention and once he did read some stuff, he said i made a lot more sense now. Now that he's read about it i can talk to him and reference it. I can say, "when you do this, it triggers me to respond this way". His new knowledge makes it easier for both of us.
1 Heart