I was diagnosed with herpes a week ago. My doctor said it's I was diagnosed with herpes a week ago. My doctor said it's

I was diagnosed with herpes a week ago. My doctor said it's a new infection which was probably from my ex-boyfriend. I don't feel like a whole woman....I feel scarred and don't believe anyone will ever want me. I'm not married and have always wanted to find true love. It has always been hard to find the right one now it's almost impossible. No one is going to want to take a risk to be with me. I'm extremely depressed and don't know how to get out of my depression.

This virus is great at dragging us down into the depths of depression and self loathing. The good news is it does get better. I've seen lots of people posting about finding new love interests that are accepting of the hsv. It's really a good way to weed out those who only want you naked. It will get better. Take the time you need for grieving, like it or not, we did lose something. No matter, we are still whole. Have your cry, throw your pity party (mine lasted days) and move forward. Much love friend, you're still wonderful beautiful you.

couldn't have said it any better than Felina!
@Violet122: It's just not your time yet... fate wants you to learn a few more experiences before your time comes. it has NOTHING to do with HSV... Just my humble opinion...

I just got diagnosed too. Like a couple of hours ago. I feel EXACTLY like you do Violet22. Like your thoughts are literally identical to mine. You are not alone. Just keep telling yourself that things always get better with time. Not to mention, having a disease cannot and does not take away from any of your wonderful beautiful qualities. All day to keep myself from crying I am reminding myself that many famous people (Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johanson, Justin Timerblake, Brad Pitt, etc) have herpes and they are still considered some of the most attractive people in the world. Someone, someday, will love you because of all that you are, despite your disease. Chin up : )

1 Heart

I just recently talked to my friends mom I am close with who has it. She is married and got diagnosed in college. She has always been a lady I have looked up to and said "wow I hope i can be like her". When i found out she had it I was shocked because I would ave never guessed. However it gives me hope because she said it is actually a lot easier than you expect to tell someone who likes you about it. She said when she told her husband before they got married he said "oh thats what you wanted to talk to me about... I was worried all day you were going to dump me!"

I was diagnosed recently and I spent every second feeling the same way as you. Then I realized, love wont be hard but being lusty will be. Which is what got me in this mess in the first place so maybe its a good thing. I will not be able to go to the bars and go "ooo i want him" but a real relationship will not be hard.