I was diagnosed yesterday with Herpes and it was pretty overwhelming. Like I can deal with the fact that I'm gonna have some discomfort for the rest of my life but what got me was that I feel like...dirty. My girlfriend is afraid she may have it because of me and she is afraid to get her test results. I currently live at her house an she wants to be able to talk to her mom about this but we are afraid of the repercussions if she tests positive. I don't know what to do.
Just, pray and learn more about it,hav
Better to know than not know. At least knowing you are being smart about it and able to deal with it the best way possible. Maybe she should find out before talking to her mom.... just a thought
I wouldn't tell moms... no need for her to know and become conceded...
I understand its scary. The BEST thing you can do is read up on it; stay educated; and be healthy. When I had my first outbreak, I read more on herpes those two days than I read books in my entire life. Lol.
I knew the virus inside and out and honestly, it put me as ease. More people have it than don't, honestly. It's managable and even though It's a little embarrassing, you'll get through it.
On the mother situation; I found in my personal situation that it isn't a good idea to tell parentals or anyone that isn't directly involved because it causes panic. But each situation is different