I was just diagnosed Thursday and I'm still shocked. I've asked my gynecologist to run ALL STD tests in the past and have been told all negative. I get a physical from my primary and tell her the same. She calls me in and says I'm positive for HSV 1 and 2 IGG and IGM. Going back to Dec 2011 the HSV tests were never done!!!! I'm so angry because I have no idea how long I've had this or who gave it to me. So far I've never had an outbreak!!! I don't know how to proceed with this new life now.
First, such an important reminder to everyone, these tests have to be asked for, I know, you think you are covered, but sadly, no. Secondly, how can we help you, I know this is rough, but you have a medical condition now, nothing more. Hugs!
@ CKarma...thank u. Trying to wrap my brain around it all. How I go about living a "normal" life. How I'm paranoid I may have given this to my children thru sharing drinks. How to ever go about having any kind of sex life with someone who may want me. Today's been a very bad day.
I feel you @wolflover72 I am trying to figure out how to have a normal sex life too. Anyone have an stories?
@wolflover72, I'm not sure how detailed you want me to be, but basically all IgG tests and IgM tests look for are whether the antibodies that fight herpes are present in your blood. If you are positive for both antibodies, you liked have both strains of the virus. I realize exactly what you are going through. Contracting herpes was one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. Just know, you are not alone. 80% of the population has the HSV-1 virus, and 20-25% has HSV-2. 80-90% of people have it and don't know. You will find someone who accepts you. You can have children. It is a very manageable virus. Let me know if you need anything else.
I do have children already; we share drinks and desserts, my son kisses me on the lips. I've never had a cold sore on the outside, but have had blisters inside my mouth since I was a kid. Could I have already given this to them?
@wolflover72, there's a possibly you could have given the virus to your children if you share a lot of things. However, it sounds like you're asymptomatic, and the virus is much more contagious during an outbreak. For what it's worth, I had a friend with somewhat regular outbreaks growing up and she and I shared food, drinks, lip stick/ chap stick, etc and I never got the virus from her. The only way to know for sure would be to have them tested but if they aren't displaying symptoms, I wouldn't worry too much! As I said almost 80% of the pop has HSV-1.
@defaultname, thank u for the info. I know I have many more questions but too overwhelmed to ask right now