I was just told yesterday that I have Hep-c.... They took mo

I was just told yesterday that I have Hep-c.... They took more blood to see how far and what strain and I don't know what else. Im so overwhelmed! Cant stop crying, trying to stay in today but can't. Im trying to figure out how and when I tell my kids and parents. I am so thankful that I have a very supportive husband! I have to say that Im in the blaming stage. See I had major back surgery last Jan. then got bad staph infection and almost died.... I cant help but wonder if I didn't get infected with Hep C thru all of that.... I have never been an IV drug user, but I do have tattoos.... I also work in a prison with Hep C is a common illness....
I'm new with all of this an am totally lost, confused, hurt and scared as hell!
Any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

1 Heart

I believe that since around 1983 they have been testing blood for HepC so unlikely (though not impossible) that you got it recently through the hospital. Who knows for sure??? We can all only surmise how we got it. But try to educate yourself through reliable websites (Mayo Clinic, Web MD and there's a couple of links that Blu posted). You will probably go through phases where you're angry, afraid, depressed etc. It's quite emotional to find out you have a potentially bad virus. But there's alot of help now and medicines that have few or no side effects, so it's wonderful you know so you can get treated and reclaim your life!

@petunia11 Thank you for your post. The Dr. put me on antidepressants Mon and they are suppose to be fast acting so we will see. I’m sure there are many steps in this just the in the grieving process. I know that I have to keep living one day at a time…

@cancr welcome to our group....I just finished treatment and like you was overwhelmed when I found out last year. Take a deep breath and take this one step at a time. Trust me, it will get better. I think I may have gotten Hep c from a tatoo I got back in 1990. My one and only tatoo. It is normal to dwell on how you got it at first but then you have to decide to move on and get yourself well. The new treatment is not as bad as the old treatments. I did have some emotional moments during treatment but this group is a wonderful support system. We have all either been through, going through, or at the beginning stages of discovering you have hep c and moving forward with treatment. We are here for you...

@Horselady Thanks! I am feeling overwhelmed. Today I have not felt a bit good. think its stress and nerves. I have allowed myself to cry and lose control but only while my 13 yr old is at school. I have told my parents today and my oldest daughter who is 25 last night. Im waiting until my 22 yr old daughter is home this week end to tell her and my 13 yr old. I have been on vacation from work and don’t go back until the 9th so I have time to let all this soak in… Im trying to decide if I should let my employer know since I work at a prison and am a first responder to fights ect. I also do all the transports for our prison. I know that I don’t have to tell them but a part of me thinks that it would be the right thing to do???

Hi cancer,
Couldn't agree more with my friends, blu, petunia and Horselady.
Really great people and you can take any and all of their advice to heart.
Just over a month ago, I finished a 24 week treatment of Incivek triple therapy. While the treatment was really tough at times...the craziness and stress of what you're going through now...was the worst.
It'll get better, I promise and you'll get past the obsessing and anger.
You can do this!

@Woofer Thanks! And this is craziness and stressful… Got to get back to living one day at a time… I cant control or change what has happened. I will fight all the way!

Well cancr,I am new to this group but have been following some members for the last 3 weeks.I was diagnosed with HCV in 1989,I am undergoing my fourth round of treatment with the addition of Sovaldi.I am on week 7 of 12.I was non detectable after fourth week.This is something that never happened before where I also relapsed during treatment.I believe this time time I will beat this crap and so can you.Fight,dont cry and where you became infected does not matter.I have been married 35yrs(wife not infected),no tatoos,no needle use and no blood transfussion.We suspect dental work in the Army 1981/1985.Dont get me wrong,this treatment is no picnic but go to work every day where Im a utility lineman.I have dealt with a persistant cough ,sinus infection,mild depression and flu like symptoms.Im have been dealing with this for a very long time,I think the medicines are here that are effective even with the most stubborn geno types(Im 4a 4b).I will beat this crap and so can you.

@Searay thanks. So even going thru treatment you are able to maintain at work? That’s one of my main worries. I carry all the health ins for our family since my husband is self-employed.