I watched a documentary about that family who carry those si

I watched a documentary about that family who carry those signs saying god hates fags or whatever
And for some reason i started to worry that i would be like them...
Like my logic of thinking would switch to theirs...
It made my anxiety go up a lot
Idk now i cant sleep...

Honey the fact that you are so worried about it tells me you are too good of a person to do that. If that thought DIDNT worry you I would wonder a little...but it does and that means the thought of being like them stresses you out so much that it is causing you anxiety. Our perceptions only change when we allow them to. You DO have control over the way you allow yourself to think. You are too good a person to EVER be like them sweetheart.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)