I wish i could give you all hug full of hope. You guys have

I wish i could give you all hug full of hope. You guys have soooo much to offer the world. You are worth so much. I wish you all knew just how special you are. :)

8 Hearts

You are special

2 Hearts

So are you ^_^

2 Hearts

You are special and have so much to give yourself. Sometimes it's easy to give the advice and compliments but almost impossible to accept them when they are given to you. You deserve support and encouragement just like you give everyone else.

4 Hearts

Why thank you :) & you are absolutely right it is quite hard to digest compliments given to me, but i appreciate it. Thank you for sharing some of the light you harbor within.

3 Hearts

I know it can be hard. But I know everyone needs it, and everyone has a reason to be complimented. Physically and inwardly. Everyone has a trait that is beautiful

4 Hearts

We sure are :)