I wish I was comfortable with being bisexual instead of havi

I wish I was comfortable with being bisexual instead of having to constantly hide who I am just to please others!

3 Hearts

Its not easy society makes it hard but once you do you will feel better

@Bradedwards THIS IS FOR: Riah_12345Hi Ria_12345, I know what you mean… I am ‘Bi’ but, not many people know that I am… I Wish I could be more open, as I am with every other area of my ‘life’… Only really close friends at the time and, people I’ve had relationship’s with / their family’s have known… My own family do ‘Not’ know,(Not that I get on with them anyway), although my mum knows, I have lived with 1 woman and, obviously when I was married when 17/18 she knew about that… I wish though, I could just be as open with my sexuality as, I am with ‘Everything’ else in my life… It’d certainly make for an easier life …I feel I’ve struggled enough with ‘all’ that I’ve been through already and, I just feel, for F**ks Sake, just tell them… x

I have only opened up to the woman in my life and she is great with it. I think Ill leave it that way. Its what works for you though.

I don't tell many people either

@joshlane I don’t have any friends to tell as, I’ve said, the only people who have known are, the people who I’ve been in a relationship with at the time ((I can count on one hand the number)… There is such a ‘STIGMA’ towards it which, should not be there and, I get really annoyed by this… It’s the same with Mental Health Issues… Some People / Majority of People, if they don’t ‘Understand’ something are so ‘Ignorant’ to then think, it is wrong or the People who are like this whether, they are ‘BI’ or suffer from Mental Health Issues and think we are ‘Weird’, ‘Freaks’, etc If they only just accepted ‘All’ people for just ‘WHO’ they are the, the 'world Would Be a Much Happier, Healthier, Safer, Socially Accepting plus so much more, place to ‘Live In’… I am here if you want to talk or PM me anytime… I prefer to talk on a one to one basis as, I feel, I can ‘Open-Up-More-Freely-And-Honestly’… I will listen un-conditionally / help in any way I can / be there for you, always… Sent with love, Trish x

My hope is that someday one's sexual preferences are discussed on the same level as whether one prefers blondes or brunettes. No one really asks or thinks about it because it really doesn't make a difference. To each their own. I know we have a long way to go, but the way we get there is by all of us being honest about who we are and treat sexuality as just one piece of the puzzle that makes up a human being. Because that's what it is.

There are those who are not ready to accept that, so some of us (me included) can't be as open with our families as we would like. That's a personal decision we each must weigh for ourselves, because no two situations are exactly the same. I choose to keep that part of me from my family because of how they are and how they've treated other family members who came out. But I am honest about who I am to other people in my life who I know will support and accept me. Which I guess is a long-winded way of saying: I feel your pain. :)

3 Hearts

@AnaLeigh Hi, I don’t think I could have worded that any better myself… It’s exactly how I feel and how, I live my life… Sent with love, Trish x

Awesome comments

Thanks for the replies! Yes its hard i hide it from my family and only one person knows in my life. I tried coming out to my mom but she was mean about it so i just hide it. She constantly makes rude remarks towards any gay/bi/lesbian people i hate it!

@Riah_12345 I too hate anybody who makes constant, unnecessary, very unpleasant remarks about, not only gay/lesbian people but, People of different couloir and race or, ‘Anybody’ who doesn’t fit into that little niche of, ‘Normal’ whatever, normal is?.. This ‘World’ would be a much better place, if we were ‘All’ just socially excepting of ‘Everybody’ and, ‘Not Stigmatise’ at all… I know, that’s a ‘World’ where I would prefer to live in… With love, Trishx

Being true to yourself can be lonely but it will help you grow and is the way to go. Be strong

1 Heart

@Bradedwards I know you’re right! I just wish i had the courage. Maybe not now but soon(:

I wish I could give you advice on coming out. It's a lot harder for most people than was for me. My family is very liberal and won't bat an eye no matter where you fall on the Kinsey scale. My godfathers are a gay couple that have been together for like 70 years. I was ten years old before I even found out that there was such a thing as LGBTQ hate. I was shocked and confused. Point is, if you raise your kids to think same sex relationships are completely normal and you don't impose body shame and let you explore your sexuality as long as you're being safe, you end up raising a kid who is confident in their sexuality.

1 Heart

@sherbertglasses I’m glad you were able to be accepted! I completely agree it should be that way. It would have helped me a lot if my family was accepting but at least I learned how not to treat others!

From Sexual Orientation Exploration to Gender Identity Exploration

From Gender Identity Exploration to Sexual Orientation Exploration

From Gender Identity Exploration to Sexual Orientation Exploration