I woke up feeling very angry and resentful. I feel like going crazy I feel like breaking something or something I just want someone r something to feel my pain! It's not fair? He's gotten the chance to say all he needs to say but I haven't. It's eating me up. He blames all the failures on me like what?!?! He's the cheater!!! A dirty filthy dog. I'm beginning to hate him
Those all sound like reasonable reactions to the situation. Have you thought about sending him an email or letter? Whether he reads it or not doesn't matter. At least you are getting your feelings out. I would also suggest using your aggression at the gym? I hear using the punching bag works wonders and it will be really tough for you to break it ;) ! Good luck!
The anger is all part of the process. Unfortunately. You have to find healthy ways to let it out. The gym is a great suggestion. My friend took me to a thrift store and we bought some really cheap dishes. Then went out to the country and I broke them! Of course I cleaned up the mess so no one would get hurt but it was a really good release. Just be sure you don't hurt yourself or someone else when letting it out. You can't hold on to the anger forever. It is not healthy!
@shortstack I took your advice I wrote him an email laying all my feelings out. I decided to try not to focus on of he reads it or even replies I did it for me. To gst it out thanks oh by the way I looked into kick boxing today, thanks!
@rasttabear thanks for your support and advice it means so much thanks
@kittysmami Awesome! Give yourself time to process everything. I don’t know what your situation is, but you need to take some time off from him. Let him know that you’re OK and won’t fall apart without him. My wife kicked me out for a week and that is what opened my eyes. And if he chooses the wrong route, just be prepared. Either way just look out for yourself and your kids (if you have any). Good luck with kickboxing. That should help with your aggression and it will keep you in shape.