Had a bad day today. Had to go to work and all was well til servers started to be mean, my manager started to be mean, the only girl I was working with was new and knew nothing so she couldn't help...I was so stressed and frustrated.
When I got home, I had my planned evening snack. But went back for more. It wasn't that great of a binge in standards of binges, but a binge none-the-less and I feel disgusting.
I don't want to eat tomorrow but I know I have to.
I want to lie in bed all day but I have Kung Fu and I have to work.
I don't want to talk to anyone but if I don't reply to my boyfriend's texts he'll worry greatly.
I want to quit my job because of the negative environment but I need another job first and have to create a resume to get one
And now I have to fight the urge to not take a handful of laxative pills before going to bed.
My body is still dependent on them, but at times like these I end up taking more because of the amount I've eaten. I just want it out of my system as quick as I got it in.
Ugh. Sorry for such negativity all. I don't feel myself right now
It's okay. Vent. Take some time to just relax and forget about what happened. Think of how much fun your Kung Fu class is going to be tomorrow! It sounds amazing to me i've never done anything like that!! As for work, was it just a bad day on everyone's part? Maybe it was just really busy or a super-stressful situation came up? Try to think of it that way, and maybe tomorrow at work will be better. Think of having between the trees play at your wedding!! That is what you're saving that hard earned cash for :)Sonrisas
Kung Fu will be fun tomorrow. It's the class I get to do with my boyfriend because it's all levels...and I get to spar!
And yes...we got busy really late at night and had to go into line. That is why everyone was so mad. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better...
As for Between the Trees....way to make me smile :) hehe I do want them at my wedding...and I WILL get them there!
Again, thank you so much for shedding some light on my evening. Tomorrow will be better!!
No problem! Haha I was just listening to the way she feels as i was writing this and i remembered what you said :). I have a friend that does tae kwon do...not sure how close to Kung Fu that is but its all pretty cool to me i wish I had gotten into something like that. And yes tomorrow WILL be better. You have a good attitude stay strong :) Sonrisas
Paige, first of all, thanks for the message. There were some yummy sounding ideas in there! I'm sorry you didn't have a good day, but if it's helpful at all to hear, your advice to me yesterday got me through a really difficult dinner out tonight. As much as we tell ourselves otherwise, deep down we all know real perfection doesn't exist, so it's alright to go off course every now and again, and there's no need to beat yourself up over it. I know tomorrow will be better for you. The incredible strength you have along with the desire to be healthy is something I noticed right away about you, and I am still brand new to this site. What that means is that the first impression you give is one of positivity and courage, so I know I'm not the first and won't be the last person to thank you. So don't be too hard on yourself (easier said then done, I know, but you owe it to yourself to try), and since you're already unhappy, don't give in to the "i already f-ed up, so why not just do this one more negative thing today" attitude. Try to get some rest, it sounds like you have a fun day ahead of you tomorrow which is sure to be better than today.
You're a strong and determined woman who has had a lot of success so far. Be proud of the fight you've gone through to get where you are, and feel better
<3 Rebecca
I'm sorry your day was not a good one. I went through a similar day as you already know. It's going to be okay. :)
I am happy to see even though your post was negative you still show positive aspects in it! That you realized that tomorrow would be better since you have Kung Fu with your boyfriend and that ou have to eat tomorrow even though you don't want to. Right there is such an accomplishment to have such a logical thought!! I am proud of you! And remember your post earlier this week!! Your accomplishments with your goal weight! With getting your gold belt!
You are such an inspiration to us all. I hope we can help pick you up in your time of need like you hve done so many times for all of us!
I just wanted to say, first of all, that I truly admire you, just from the limited interaction we've had through this site. But I wanted to point out in particular just how amazing it is that you were able to say, "I don't want to eat tomorrow, BUT I KNOW I HAVE TO." Just recognizing that and acknowledging it is such a huge thing, especially when it's just you holding yourself accountable. Anyway, I just wanted to point out your strength, courage, and wisdom, and try to lend you any encouragement I can. You'll get through this; I know you will. It's just one bad day, and you'll battle through it and get on to the next one. :-)
You guys are all so awesome. Seriously! Every message here has made me smile and made me stronger. I'm so glad to have all of you <3 And I did eat today. And I didn't restrict.
Today I'm doing better, a hard day to get in all my energy, but I'm going to make another post about that so I can focus more on it and hopefully get some input.
Thanks so much again!
Everyday you girls prove me that there is good in the world. I wish I could meet you all personally and give you big hugs <3
Paige xoxo
that would be so awesome christa and Paige! I always wish i could meet all of you! you are all the kindest people ive ever met :) You all always make my day and make me smile
Ditto to all of the above comments. Everyone has bad days. We have to just do our best and make the most out of it. I have those days sometimes and I just try to do something small for myself or get some fresh air/watch my favorite show.