If anyone saw my last post, I deleted it because it was no l

If anyone saw my last post, I deleted it because it was no longer the case. School ends in 2 days. I'm stressing out. There are going to be lots of pictures. Which I'm expected to be in. What am I going to wear? I'm going to look terrible. I'm going to do everything wrong. Please respond fast. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight anyway.

Why do u think that I'm sure u will look great. And if u do take a horrible pic so what I take bad pics its just gonna be something to look back at when u get older and say wow

I’m just going to do everything wrong. And people are going to judge me.

I'm just so self conscious. And I hate it.

@SMAC I bet u will look very cute whatever u pick out to wear BTW u can pm me if u want I’m not going to bed anytime soon

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