I'm 34 weeks pregnant with a beautiful baby boy. His name is Keaton Bryce (: and he is already my world. During this beautiful time i should be mostly happy, but i find myself some days ( like today) being very harsh and down on myself. I'm only 17, got pregnant when i was 16 and have been single since i was 8 weeks pregnant. I was in a long relationship with the father but the moment he found out i was pregnant he disappeared. I was so broken hearted but have managed to get over him. But i i get sad when i got to my birthing classes and see married couples, regular couples, etc. and im there with my mom. Guess im just venting. I lost alot of people that i swore were my friends and were going to stick with me, now im just alone it feels like,
You are never alone again! That beautiful baby boy is yours for life! He's going to look at you with eyes that say, "wow! You are the greatest! You hold me, you kiss me, you make me feel loved and safe! I love you so much!" THAT is the greatest feeling EVER! Some guys only purpose in our lives is to give us the greatest gift we're ever going to know, and once they've done that they're gone! Its his loss! You have a blessing in that little boy and I promise you if you put your whole self into being the best mommy you can be, that child will bring you more joy and happiness then any friend or man EVER can! Love your son with your whole heart, your whole mind and your whole soul, and the love you receive in return is beyond words or understanding! Have a healthy birth and look forward to a love like you never knew existed! (HUGS) :-)
You aren't alone. The father of my child bailed out on me and I'm 31... and have felt EVERYTHING you are feeling. Those feelings won't stop... but you will eventually find a way to deal with it. The feelings won't be so strong and you will find strength in the relationship you build with your son. He will love you so much. I wish you all the joy of motherhood and, believe me, i feel for you and my heart is with you.