I'm a parent with a child that has PTSD

Is there anyone out there that is in the same situation I am? I have an 11 year old son that has had PTSD for the last 3 years. His aggression is increasing because he is in puberty already, and even though he is medicated, he is starting to outgrow his dosages at a phenomenal rate. He is already on adult doses of all of his meds. I'm having difficulty controlling him now that he is getting bigger. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me?

Would be wise to get him back to the doctor and if affordable find a therapist/counselor that maybe the doctor could recommend to you.

All my strengths & please be careful as you'd mentioned hes getting stronger & you will need to get him & yourself some help.

Take care of you.


I have a son that is 12 that has bipolar disorder and ptsd. He has problems in school. I can control him but everyone else can't. He has problems with his grandma. He pushes peoples limits to see what he can get away with. Everyone around him doesn't understand. I came out of a domestic relationship. He doesn't have any brothers or sisters. He has a problem dealing with anger. I tell people that if you look at my son and see the signs it will help them. He has a blink stare and his body language is a sign. I tell them when they see this to change the subject or make him understand the situation in a clam voice. My son doesn't have a mind set of a 12 year old either. He is really smart. He does go to mental health provider and on a lot of medicine. It is a struggle everyday. I have a case manger that comes to the house that helps. I know how your feeling. I believe if I can get him around other children and he can find a best friend to hang out with ,he would do better. He has always been around adults. I really understand. I hope the best. If you would like to talk and maybe help each other or maybe exchange ideas I'm here.

My hearts to the two of you, I have ptsd and can hardly stand myself sometimes so can understand the uncomfortablness of other people. I hope things will continue to improve and that with more time and knowledge on behalf of the mental health world there will be better treatment bless you

stormfan AMEN to that.

Jolo, with all due respect, it is not up to others to learn the warning signs due to the fact that not all people/teacher etc have the knowledge & know HOW to deal w/these types of disorder, it would be placing alot on society to be responsible for all & not realistic. Its up to the parents/care givers to do their best.

My husband of 19yrs. is Bipolar/schzoid/borderline & more w/alcohol dependency.