I'm almost 40 years old and still not happy...not even close. At 13 years old my life changed, it was traumatic & I feel like I'm still that 13year old kid. Nobody seems to understand this. I would of ended my life years ago but I'm too much of a ***** to do it. I hate life, I hate being alone, I hate that no one understands. I wish I could be better.
I may understand a little. I was alone until I was 33. And now I'm divorced. Want to tell us a little more about it? Why do you think you're alone?
I just wrote out my situation in detail, but it hasn't been posted...I'm not writing again, this is just making it worse. I shouldn't have wrote anything.
Again I wrote everything down but it's not being posted...is there a word limit on here??? ...this is frustrating.
@UnwantedBoy The site has some technology problems - although believe it or not, they used to be worse. I write all my posts in a NotePad file offline, and then copy and paste them here. I’m sorry you lost your post twice. That’s incredibly frustrating!
I never even kissed a woman until I was 33. Never even held a girl’s hand. Except for being date-raped at 30, because I was so shy and scared. Perhaps that’s a little like your experience?
do not let those things which may not in the present be understood weary thy soul, but know that sometime, somewhere, you, too, will understand.