I'm feeling a bit nervous. Laser eye surgery tomorrow! It's

I'm feeling a bit nervous. Laser eye surgery tomorrow! It's a routine procedure but that's easy to say when it's not happening to you! :)

4 Hearts

I'm sure in the end the surgery will be well worth the nervousness. Get some rest and surgery is always a great excuse to just lay around and relax for a day or two afterwards :)

I had it done, and while it was uncomfortable when it happened, it was not painful. The true beauty came in when I got up and saw the sunrise the next morning - it made me weep.

Good! You do that, I'll be praying for you!

Awwww! Thinking of you. Try to put it out of your mind and have a peaceful evening. Xx

Honey, I will be thinking of you, all good things. Xx

Good luck! I am blind as a bat without contacts or glasses and have considered the laser surgery more recently. I'd love to hear how yours goes!

Hey Yodafan...how did it go?

MUCH Blessings & Prays for you! Please tell us how you feels --- :)

BIG Hugs for you be brave!!!!! <3 <3 <3

I had it done several years ago and all went well....no regrets! Hope when you can read this everything went well!


@Yodafan can u see everything brighter and beautifuller xxx …I know its not a word but ya know what I mean :wink:

So happy to hear your surgery went well. Take it easy and heal.xx

Wow your experience is very differnnt than mine...my hubby and i both had the surgery a couple years ago and we did it together....we had to spend the night in a hotel since neither of us could drive....it was quite hilarious really! We recovered very quickly and have not have any problems since....you will love it! I know get to wear all the cheap fashionable sunglasses i want :)

1 Heart

@ Yodafan So happy your surgery is behind you and that it went well.

1 Heart

I'm glad that everything went well. It is always good to have you here. I'm curious, or maybe I missed it, but did you have surgery on both?

Great news! Glad that you are better.